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Weekend Updates – pt1

It’s a beautiful Spring Day here in the UK… (well, the southern bit anyway, as I see our northern compatriots have a rather colder and misty start from the weather reports… ha!) and so I will be out but I wanted to split this into 2 parts, a brief foretaste and then the main update coming later this evening as “Er Indoors” will be allowed to go away for a brief visit (there’s nothing on TV and I’ll be home so I may as well blog then!)

I also want to remind you all that there is actually a FREE to enter caption Contest, it’s genuine and someone WILL win, the response so far has been, well, pretty disappointing! IT’S FREE! Someone WILL win! That is someone will get a shot if there’s enough entries, if there’s that much apathy then I won’t bother offering something back and pull the plug on my generous offer and a chance for anyone here to interact – so please do make an effort, the winner does get a whole free month to

OK, let’s get on with part 1 – and I am bringing you a new film, courtesy of the good people of who have struck gold with new girl Molly Malone… I just love the way her buns jiggle and redden under the stern administrations of Leia-Ann Woods… and what’s more, there is a tawsing which I love seeing… and Leia gives Molly an authentic punishment (hand and tawse held high before the swats). It’s not an easy thing to get right, inaccuracy would be dreadfully painful! (on top of the unique sting and burn that a proper Lochghelly tawse gives!)

Auction House - New buyer Molly, negotiates a deal on a rare painting but does so without seeking the approval of her supervisor (Auction House owner, Miss Woods). Poor Molly has bought a dud, a fake and there is a uyer already lined up… of course, Miss Woods asks Molly in for a chat over a cup of tea (and note the canes and punishment implements in the corner) – You’d think poor Molly would have noticed that there’d be more than tea and biscuits on offer, wouldn’t you?






OK, as I said this was short n sweet, but the actual movie is amazing, I just downloaded it now (it’s out in full for members) and this is my part 1 recommendation, go view it HERE


Back later with a whole load more goodness! Have a good weekend, I intend to! Chief.

& don’t forget the competition, I’m gonna leave this banner at the bottom of each post until I get a few more responses 🙂

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