From Lupus Pictures, a true life account involving home punishments including the use of stinging nettles!

"...and for you I will come as well."
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The above pictures form the true life story of the farmer's girl who was punished in a time gone by from the 1950s when she was repeatedly punished at home for wearing make up. Her friends also encouraged her to shave her privates - this is discovered when on the toilet & all hell breaks loose! She has also helped to blunt the razor & the farmer belts & canes her severely, along with the truly awful punishment of wearing stinging nettles inside her pants! Her 2 friends also get a beating & a caning for their involvement & also end up wearing the nettles between their
teen legs! This is simply a fascinating film which is 35 minutes in length, a wonderful production with plenty to see!
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Stinging Nettles! These are NEVER to be taken lightly! Everyone can identify with this sheer discomfort when accidentally brushing against these nasty plants! Outside of the world of BDSM, I have NEVER seen these used
as a punishment to a wayward teen! This film brings this and here are some Bonus Pictures featuring the Nettles!

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These are the final BONUS Pics from the movie featuring the Farmer's girl (Jana Myšičková)
the lovely Czech spanking Model who has starred in other Lupus Productions!