It’s comforting to know that even future girls and naughty space cadets need a firm reminding hand or quick over the knee discipline with a good old 21st century spanking. Well, at the latest film series has just that with a great new Green Screen CGI backdrop which basically earned hard working site owner Mike a great honour as one of the most improved sites from last year. It’s not something I think I would want to dabble in right now as it all looks a little too technical for me, but it looks fun and of course the scenes are great, it’s nice to have some fun sets along with the spankings… or “schpaaankings” as I call them thanks to our fearsome Dutch Starship Captain who actually hails from Rotterdam and definitely puts the “rotter” into that place name! (heh heh) – Check out the images and storyline from the latest Discipline Genesis Ship episode:
Ensigns Milena and Scarlett had just finished their duty shifts and decided to go to Holodeck 2 and enjoy the Caribbean beach program. When the Captain tried to reach them to assist in a problem in engineering, they ignored the hails. The Captain went down there and told them to meet him in their quarters in 10 minutes. They were both lectured and got a sound paddling followed by a good “whupping” with the Captain’s new personal discipline whip.
You can check out this latest episode and the previous space faring spankings HERE

I have to apologise as I have been playing catch up with a lot of work from my delayed return from holiday and it’s played havoc with my update routines so instead of the new film today I hope to get that out Friday and I have just uploaded the concluding pervy and very naughty clip of Zoe Page spanking Jessica Jensen! *schwiiiing!*
I will also be uploading the full film of Nyssa and Ashley for those that want to view the odd clip or film (as it’s their choice) at the Clips Store later today or tomorrow latest ๐
Back soon… Chief (Spank Long and Prosper)