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Monday Galleries

Another new week as this year hurtles on… I don’t have much to waffle about today so will post some links and galleries for you to peruse and enjoy instead. But as you all know, yesterday was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic… such a sad loss of life, I find it hard to believe that it was a 100 years ago…

I was brought up to believe about man’s folly, man’s arrogance… how could “any” ship ever be unsinkable? If ever there was an enduring story about the Class system, privilege and of course the almost dignified way that many accepted their fate early on before the ship’s frightening sinking at the very end where it broke up and the stern rose almost vertically in under a minute – I think any of us could then be forgiven for screaming for our lives… but earlier… as the realization that the ship was doomed… women and children were the first to the few lifeboats… it was a reminder that even in the new techological age of the early 20th century, with ever better cars being built and fledgling aeroplanes taking to the skies… one should never assume mastery over anything.

It made me reflect on things and how people nowadays might have reacted, if it was at all possible to create something so disastrous (thanks to this catastrophe no ship would ever again be allowed to sail without the required lifeboats for all crew and passengers). Now I know we are a much more equal society in terms of the classes, we are a consumer society, we want want want… and I fear that the stoic resignation of many including what would have been one of the richest men alive today, Guggenheim, who allowed his mistress to survive whilst he accepted his fate… I can’t help feel as a people, we are so selfish that we would trample over each other and fight it out in bloody mayhem once we realized our impending fate if the same thing had happened today in exactly the same tragic circumstances. How far we’ve come, eh?

& on that moral point… on with the spankings I have selected. Click any image below for the escapsim provided by the following sites.



Above galleries courtesy of Lupus Spanking



Above galleries courtesy of Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking



Above galleries courtesy of the excellent Spanking Sarah



Above galleries courtesy of Girls Boarding School



Above galleries courtesy of Clare Fonda’s Spanked Callgirls



Above galleries courtesy of the naughty Spanking & Shame

Finally I have a very 1st preview of the forthcoming film from AAA Spanking due out for release mid week. This is the introduction film of Zoe spanking Jessica… and this is the 1st time she was ever spanked by a girl and also you can sense her disquiet as Zoe starts to up the smacks a little… this film has some great nervous reactions of a newbie and also some very intimate poses of her reddened butt at the end as you’ll have seen from the previous pics in my preview post yesterday. This will appeal to fans of genuine 1st timers & F/F spanking, Jessica has that perfect girl next door look, but the “slutty” girl next door old pervs like me dream about (lol) 😉

This spanking clip shows the promise of what is to come! Enjoy the teaser!!!

By the way, this film is already available in special 7 minute action clip (just the spankings, nothing else!!!) and since I uploaded it just a few hours ago, I have had several downloads already, seems you guys really like it, it won’t disappoint!


  1. iwasrobert iwasrobert

    I think the difference back then was that the rich as a class had a sense of moral responsibility to go with their money. Witness the Rockefeller family madly buying stocks during the ’29 crash to try and stablise the market. Who would do that now?

  2. Average people 100 years ago would be gob smacked at the crazy generous welfare system we have in Britain now… and stunned by just how much people didn’t have to do to get by nowadays… unmarried mothers, or teen pregnancies guaranteeing that the State here will provide accommodation paid for by me and the other hard pressed tax payers (which I strongly object to). That said, living standards are better but our society really has become quite ugly in the selfish pursuit of all things which make some overly greedy and based on total consumerism! Now kids want to get rich quick on a plethora of crap TV talent shows and be famous for the sake of making a few Pounds! F*cking feckless idle loafers! There is no work ethic in our young anymore… Grrr!

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