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Cadence Lux theater spankings

Cadence Lux is an excellent addition to the portfolio of – she has a made a fair few films with them now but the most recent set of films which are currently being released were filmed in front of a live audience in a theater! Below is the recap of the 1st film


Miss Veronica introduces herself to the student body, and was in the process of explaining the new disciplinary process when Cadence decided to mouth off. Suddenly, Cadence was taken to the front of the class for a humiliating and hard bare bottom spanking. Cadence is one of the most popular and difficult girls in the school. Spanking this entitled brat in front of her classmates was Miss Veronica’s way of sending a message to all.

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Cadence cried and promised Miss Veronica that she would do as she wanted as long as the spanking before her classmates would end. After her spanking was concluded, Cadence was placed on the kneeler with her bare red bottom on display as a warning to the other students.. Cadence wasn’t sure what was worse, the horrible burning from her bottom or the total humiliation of her being on display.

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Cadence is a very popular girl at an exclusive boarding school. After a major party that got out of hand and caused the dismissal of the prior principal the entitled students of the school needed to be brought into line. So it was Cadence who was chosen to be spanked  bare bottom before her classmates and the punished and humiliated for the rest of the week.

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This was shot at a theater in Philadelphia with an audience having the privilege of watching Cadence suffer on stage. A dark tale on so many levels.



Then… The latest film starring Cadence… again in front of the theater audience on stage… is called “Cadence Protests”

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Cadence stormed into Miss Veronica’s office, upset over her treatment the day before when she was given a bare bottom spanking in front of her entire class and made her protestation known to the new principal. Miss Veronica listened and then informed the entitled brat that it was time for her second day of corporal punishment. As Cadence removed her skirt as instructed, she had a sinking feeling. It was now clear that, as one of the most popular girls in the school, she was an ideal target to be made an example of. Her panties were lowered and she was bent over the desk as she pleaded for this punishment not to happen. She let out a loud shriek as her naked bottom felt the sting of the leather paddle.



  1. This was so much fun to shoot. People say it’s hot. They have no idea under those theater lights

  2. It was so hot we had to drink gallons of water

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