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EXCLUSIVE Unseen Spanking Movie

This is an EXCLUSIVE to SpankingBlogg as I have managed to get hold of our test cam footage.
It was never intended for viewing as the cams were rolling whilst we did this photo shoot!
The footage is in Hi or Lo Res wmv format (click on images below)
Please use your mouse to “right click” on the image and use the “save target as…” function.
These wmv files are either 33mb (HI) or 12mb (LO) so I would really adviseyou save them first.

Hi Res Footage  Lo Res footage

Find more photo sets HERE

The footage is actually available at the SpankPass as 2 HQ Photo Sets featuring lovely teen Heather Stanton.
Heather gets an OTK strapping for mucking about on the Whiteboard when she should have been working.

To get an idea of the HQ photos from 2 Full Set Galleries, here is an original pic below.
I am really getting to love Heather’s pert bottom!!!

click here to see the FULL size image

Let me know what you guys think of the illicit footage as I may be able to grab some more.
Just remember that I will be away for a few weeks (end of this week)
I’ll be turning my comments box to “OFF” as I am sick to the teeth of clearing out spam.
Why these idiots do it, I’ll never know, as soon as any get through I delete em!
If I was away for 2 weeks without doing this I would literally have 1000s of “comments” to delete.
Anyway, let me know and I will see what I can do about finding more EXCLUSIVE footage (hopefully).


  1. brad brad

    THAT WAS AWESOME, love it when the girl is made to strip naked, and over the knee
    she goes. LOVELY….


  2. Prefectdt Prefectdt

    Wow do all xerotics test shots get done on pre world War One hand cranked cameras, It must cost a fortune to keep these antiques working. And where is the bad guy with the cape, top hat and waxed moustache who wants the rent that they cannot afford to pay.


  3. Indeed!!!!
    I was told I had to “edit” the footage if it was to go online.
    This is real test footage and would never get shown online – ever, apart from here now!
    shhh….I was hoping the guys at xerotics wouldn’t notice! 😉

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