Yes, yes, I know that today, November 5th, history is in the making as America wakes up today – voting in the first black president, the dynamic Obama – however, blogs around the world will be dissecting this momentous occassion. All I will say is “thank God Bush is on his way….” however, as the good folk of the USA voted that prat in, not once…but TWICE, I will rest judgement on Mr Obama…may God have mercy on the world economy.
OK, now what I will let my American friends know is that here in the UK, we are celebrating our unique annual event (Jeez, it’s not even a holiday…but it’s a good laugh)
BONFIRE NIGHT! Or, as it should be called “Guy Fawkes Day”
All over the UK tonight, in local parks, back gardens, at public displays etc, bonfires and effigies are being burnt along with Firework displays, both public and private etc
But why??? (I sound like the teasing link on Yahoo now….Why? then click here for more etc – LOL)
Us Brits, among other talents, are adept at nurturing our grudges. How else does one explain the enduring enmity toward Guy Fawkes, a conspirator in a plot to blow up Parliament in 1605? Some 4 centuries after Fawkes was caught, tortured and executed for his role in a scheme that never came to fruition, we still celebrate his demise each November 5th by burning his likeness in effigy and setting fireworks ablaze. It also gives the little urchins and bad kids an excuse to terrorise pets and the elderly too! 🙁
Above pic is from the town of Lewes, which really celebrates this more than other places!!! It’s nowhere near whereI live, but it sure looks fun…playing with fire!
Back to the story – Guy Fawkes was apprehended along with his stockpile of gunpowder. Tortured on the rack, he finally revealed the names of his co-conspirators. Some of them were killed while resisting arrest, the others, including Fawkes, went to trial, where they were convicted of high treason and were all hung, drawn and quartered. To this day this became established as a day of celebration!
The Chief joins other spanking bloggers on a gentle night out discussing Red Hot Asses and the burning of the traitorous Guy Fawkes!
OK, so as Britain burns tonight, let’s turn our attention to some RED HOT BURNING of another kind across many a naughty girl’s bared enflamed buttocks!
…and I have some fantastic pics and clips for you all, so go grab yourself a nice glass of red wine, go get a fine cigar, unbuckle that tight belt, get comfy and admire the following RED HOT Spanking Smut I’ve collected here today!
BEST FRIENDS PUNISHED – this is a classic film from
I can’t believe I had missed this fantastic little film (Hi Res of course, as ALL films at FetishFlixx are) – starring Emily and Sarah Collins, 2 girls who have amazing butts that can take a bloody hard thrashing, well, check out how cocky friend Emily gets her comeuppance as Uncle, pissed off with her disrespect in his house first punishes his neice Sarah, then turns on Emily. Movie is about 13-14 minutes long and it’s got some cracking action, I’ve really spoilt you today with the FREE gallery AND 2 FREE Movie clips!
OK, so I’ve set the scene with the Gallery, now check out the spanking of Sarah, and then the strapping of Emily who is taught the meaning of “being sorry!”
Also from FetishFlix is one of my all time fave films, the very lovely American girlie, Debbie Fraser, with her fascinating chunky cheeks that could take quite a thrashing, this film had her crying over Uncle’s knee, by the time she was caned at the end, she was a blubbing mess :D Ah, how they used to punish girls in the “Olden Days”, eh? Click on the image below for this FREE Gallery
From Hard Hitting and Harsh Discipline to this red hot true spanking and discipline smut movie: Dildo Discipline
WARNING: Contains filth and explicit pictures as well as hard scenes of discipline (thankfully).
Seriously, this was a classic movie that, for (ahem) obvious arousing reasons, I found quite interesting.
In the actual movie, the scene where the Gym Mistress is caught furiously vibing her (very) excited pussy was rather amusing, imagine being in her situation…heh heh! Anyway, I didn’t feel too sorry for her, getting off punishing her girls earlier, it’s her turn to take a hard caning…
The FULL movie is available only at and I can heartily recommend this very naughty discipline movie, just check the pics for yourself! 😉
Dildo Discipline is available at this site or as part of the 14 Site SpankPass Offer
Finally, Justine from Norway asked me to mention her great blog. Fans of Justine will know that she is available to view in FULL and also in glorious HD (our Hi Def, not what other sites claim is “their” HD)
I have provided some useful links to remind you of who Justine is below…
LINK 1 – LINK 2 – LINK 3 – LINK 4 – LINK 5
Ok, think you get the message now 😉
Then take a look at her blog, a very honest and refreshing blog which I really like to catch up on as she tells us her news as Master Arnold punishes her in private and she often shows us the results. A real life spanko, all praise to Justine, we chat quite often on MSN, so I asked her for some exclusive pics to show you, they are below her Blog banner – Enjoy!
Exclusive pics c/o Justine and her blog, click on thumbnails below:
Justine recalled some of the foolishness that she deals with at her Nurses class earlier today and I couldn’t stop laughing. First of all, she couldn’t sit straight becasue Arnold had given her a nasty thrashing the night before so her ass was all itchy…I said, imagine if the rest of her class “knew” why she had been fidgeting….well, many in her class are some small village types come to the bright lights of Oslo to learn, but are staunch Christains, real Creationists believing the Earth was formed only 6-7000 years ago as in Genesis – ignoring the fact of dinosaurs and, as I explained to Justine – how the hell would they explain “oil” that fuels our cars etc?? Truly a whacky bunch you study with, Justine! heh heh – See the results of last night’s work below 😀
See more of Justine and her life at her blog HERE
Justine also stars with Arnold in the recently new spanking site – Spanked At Home
OK, gotta go out and watch the local village bonfire and fireworks – happy November 5th everyone
There are one or two things that I miss, not living in the UK anymore (not many though) and Bonfire night is one of them. Enjoy the fireworks.
LOL, it sounds like fun 😀
Thanks a lot for writing about my blog 🙂
Kisses from Justine
Yes, thanks Prefectdt & Justine – it was a good night – not too cold and no rain! Hoorah! 😀