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You can’t please them all…

OK, it seems I have pissed off some spanking purists, other bloggers and readers out there (I won’t mention the bloggers) as they think what I write is utter rubbish in some nicely worded comments under an assumed name that I won’t publish here – but I traced their IP addresses back to their hosted blogs – the daft schmucks!). This is the joys of the internet, everyone’s an anonymous “Internet warrior” until I located their blogs and wrote back to them, I don’t really care what they think anymore but I wanted to point out that some who think they are so “clever” are far from that and stuck right up inside their own sphincter! At least I don’t pretend that I’m not about promoting spanking sites (one of the blogs who I have now removed from my sidebar was what I call a shameful spanking spam blog, just putting up a few images, link to site and have 5-10 words on the subject without knowing much about the site, the movie or the images they placed up).

At least I try to find something different, something that will grab your attention or even from a different perspective… maybe even show you behind the scenes as I can do with certain sites past and present. This all takes time to prepare as any blogger who also does this will know and I hope, you, the readers will appreciate. Of course, there are certain sites I used to promote that I wouldn’t touch with a stinking barge pole now as my tastes change… or those sites change, which is to be expected… and of course there are some that have come to my attention and I’ve signed up and realized that I’ve missed something so will aim to let you good people know about that too. This is of course just from my own perspective… the brighter ones of you who read this and put up with my ramblings or waffle would know that!

I also try to update and do it in a manor which is unique to this blog or my others, providing you with links to clips that others don’t bother with (I don’t blame ’em) as it takes too long or they’re afraid of killing their bandwidth, I’m not (usually) and will continue to try and promote certain sites this way where I think it’s feasable, but even I have stopped doing it every time as I did take a peak at my bandwidth usage the other day and had a little sharp intake of breath, even though I’ve barred Chinese IP traffic a while back as they were the worst offendors (who the hell in China would want to read my blog?) ร‚ย I have also stopped the hotlinking of images I place up here so to those that want to copy my work and pass it off as their own on certain… ahem… Chinese language sites that are not hosted in China (getting round the IP issue) go spend some time and download my images… THEN upload to your damned servers FFS! Yeah, takes a little time, doesn’t it? Stop abusing my bandwidth!

So I hope you don’t mind me having a little rant in this post, it’s good therapy sometimes, just getting those comments and a few mails the last few weeks pissed me off and had been simmering below the surface making me wonder if it’s all worthwhile doing this, sometimes. I could be outside doing the gardening, instead I am here blogging! & I hope that you understand my occasional odd wierd cat images (I love the LOLcats) or links to something I care about in my life, this spanking blog is hugely personal to me as well as, I hope, providing you all with some insights into spanking sites you may not even have thought of or known about past or present about what they are filming or have hidden away in their wonderful archives… I am currently planning other blogs which aren’t so “promotional” in content or changing one, namely the vandalized site as I want to focus that on retro images and site updates and the content is changing now – the next thing will be the actual design (when I have time) – for example I have decided that I am going to cover an old movie which you can see there after I finish my ramblings here. Of course, some bloggers will never link to me or help promote these different things because, well… it’s me – so big deal… I’ve linked to those people long enough and have already started pulling my links to them in my sidebar (along withthe foolish ones who abused me , they though.. anonymously). “Big deal, you might say…” well, it is to me, I’d rather my precious readership and traffic go to those that might at least appear to support what I do, only fair really. Despite what some of you might think, I put a hell of a lot of effort into this blog and my other sites as well as running my own independent site…

Anyway, rant over. Apologies if this wasn’t what you wanted to see… I shall be updating a post here afterwards (well, it will appear above this post, won’t it?)

Chief. xx


  1. iwasrobert iwasrobert

    “Dear Chief, You Suck.

    Yours insincerely, An Anonymous Coward”

    PS Can I pinch your images and use them myself?
    PPS Can I get a link to my blog from this one? I want some of your traffic
    PPPS You still suck.”

    I for one enjoy your blog, so Thank You for the hard work. And no I don’t want anything in return ๐Ÿ˜› Keep doing what thou doth already do so well, and go forth to smite the unbelievers my son.

  2. Cheers. I was about to start tracking you down until I read the last paragraph ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. brad brad

    Ha ha, i was wondering too chief about iwasrobert…..yeesh,
    Anyway, like the mackenzie site, BUT not a big fan of high heels and nylons ya know….but alot do like that. I am a knee sock and kilt hunter….lol

    Going to check out Lupus next as they really SPANK hard there dont they?

  4. Don’t let the idiots get you down my friend. Your blog is one of the best online period! Not only because you promote my sites a lot but it is good reading and you have a great sense of humour.

    Keep up the good work!


  5. thanks Guys… downside of the internet, isn’t it?

  6. tim tim

    yes st Mackenzies isnt a spankings site cute girls there best ,tim .

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